Donate is a simple search engine on the collection of documents relevant to investigating the origin of COVID-19. is currently in beta, and not all relevant documents are presently available to search. However, over 75,000 pages of documents are currently searchable. Many of these documents were obtained through FOIA requests filed by organizations like USRTK, The Intercept, and White Coat Waste Project.

To search for documents containing exact words or phrases, surround the relevant words and/or phrases with quotation marks. For example, the results for the query ["Fauci" "Wild West" BSL-2 BSL-3 BSL2 BSL3] will only include documents that include the exact phrases "Wild West" and "Fauci", and the "BSL" terms will be used to help sort results.

The documents in the search results are divided into individual pages, but clicking 'View PDF' will take you to the relevant page of the full source document. Not all of the source document PDFs are fully searchable upon opening the document.

Please consider supporting this site through a donation. This site utilizes an OpenSearch server, and costs will grow along with our collection of documents.
